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An Easter Memory by Joe Harwell

A couple of days ago I ran across this ring that belonged to my dad among some things we haven’t looked at in a long time. I barely...

Editing Ian Fleming by Joe Harwell

A couple of years ago I found a used hard copy of Goldfinger for sale or trade at an event. Although I’m James Bond fan from way back, I...

Proud grandpa

📷 I love being surprised and amazed by my grandchildren, which happens quite often because they are all very smart and talented. Last...

JFK 50 years later by Joe Harwell

📷 On Friday, November 22, 1963 I was a nine year old, fourth grade school student at Rodman Elementary in Poteau, OK.  I don’t remember...

My life according to James Bond by Joe Harwell

I was born in 1954, one year after the publication of Casino Royale, Ian Fleming’s first James Bond novel. Due to my parents lack of...

Childhood memory, I think by Joe Harwell

Sumtime b4 eye wuz 5, we livd in a houze on Pearl street in Poto that had a hi front pourch.  My mama gru red rozez and had big roze...

Possibly the last of the turduckens by Joe Harwell

What can I say?  We did it again for the 3rd year in a row.  Went to Hebert’s in Tulsa, otherwise know as Cajun Ed’s and bought a large...

Who killed books in print? Dick Tracy.

Does anyone remember what a buggy whip is or what it was used for? I’m not old enough to remember when they were used, but the companies...

How to become an author-preneur by Joe Harwell

I recently attended the graduation ceremony of the Tulsa Community College Launch Flight Program.  The ultimate goal is to support...


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