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Proud grandpa

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin


I love being surprised and amazed by my grandchildren, which happens quite often because they are all very smart and talented. Last week my oldest granddaughter Jordyn, now 15 asked for my help to make some hand crafted Christmas gifts for her school friends. She came to my house on Saturday and we enjoyed making the gifts, having lunch, going to Quik Trip for a four ingredient cappuccino and just visiting.

Jordyn brought a purse she’d recently purchased at a resale shop. Did I mention she’s a really good shopper? When looking for something in the purse, she opened a small pocket inside she hadn’t noticed before and found an SD card. It was different from the SD card for her camera, so she knew it must have been in the purse when she bought it. We plugged it into my computer and looked through the pictures for any clue to the identity the person who left in in the purse.

One of the photos was of a graduation certificate from the University of Arkansas School of Medicine in 1997 with the name of a lady on it. We looked her up on the internet and found she is a nurse practitioner in Little Rock. Jordyn looked for a residential phone number and found one, so we called her. The woman answered and told us she gave the purse to her daughter who lives in Bixby, a few miles from us. She was a little unhappy about her daughter selling the purse, but very happy to hear we found the SD card, which I mailed to her along with a picture of Jordyn and a note.

Grand kids are amazing all the time, and watching Jordyn search for clues to track down the owner of the SD card in order to return it was even more gratifying. You never know when the opportunity to do a good deed will present itself on a Saturday when your granddaughter is over making personalized Christmas gifts for her friends. Merry Christmas and hug your own amazing grandchildren.




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