Why Me
Every day, hundreds of Americans succumb to vanity publishers and pay hundreds, or thousands of dollars to get their book in print and eBook. I'm in favor of writers paying reasonable prices for services like good editing, a good book cover, and other skills they may not possess like formatting. What I don't like are the deceptive practices and lies too many vanity publishers use to bilk writers with no regard for their work or ultimate success.
​Important reasons to purchase print copies of books directly from writers.
1. Writers make more money selling directly to readers.
2. Readers receive signed copies of books.
3. One hundred years from now, your great-grandchildren will take the books to Antiques Roadshow and find the rare signed originals are worth 8 million dollars.

Why You Need Help Marketing
Once a book is ready to publish, the really hard work of marketing begins which requires specific skills many writers may not possess. Decades in sales and marketing taught me a valuable lesson called, The Rule Of 100. Until you have personally asked 100 people to buy your book, you haven't done anything to help your success. The really tough part of this rule is out of 100 people, 5% or fewer will actually read your book. The number will increase if you ask a more targeted demographic, but even then the number of people who will be interested enough to purchase and read your book will be a surprisingly small.

I polish your manuscript for self-publishing or submission to publishing houses or agents.
Cover Design
I work with you and my graphic artist to create a cover for both print and
E-book versions of your book.
With my proven track record in marketing, I can help you promote your book to reach the widest possible audience & find the readership you deserve.